Server Specifications

Solo Package
  • 1GB RAM
  • 1 v CPU
  • 25GB SSD
  • 10TB Bandwidth
Business Package
  • 2GB RAM
  • 2 v CPU
  • 65GB SSD
  • 25TB Bandwidth
Enterprise Package
  • 8GB RAM
  • 4 v CPU
  • 160GB SSD
  • 100TB Bandwidth
Custom Specs

We can cater up to 96GB RAM, 24 vCPU’s, 1600GB SSD and 350TB of Bandwidth. Just contact us for a specific quotation.

Our websites are hosted using Digital Ocean and/or AWS.

Ready to discuss your next project?

The Old Church School, Butts Hill, Frome, BA11 1HR

[email protected]
01373 229129

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